Prep for Chemistry
Date: July 25 through July 29, 2022
Time: 9AM - 12PM, M-F
Cost: $470 early bird pricing, $495 after March 31
Instructor: Justin Culley
Grade: Rising 10th graders
Course Description
This course will explore foundational concepts and skills in preparation for high school chemistry. Topics will include basic chemical concepts and the math skills commonly utilized when solving problems in chemistry. Several lab investigations will support these concepts and allow students the opportunity to practice their problem solving skills. This course is open to both Branson and non-Branson students who plan on taking their first chemistry course in the fall of 2022.
Instructor Bio
Justin Culley is the Director of Education Technology and Safety Director for The Branson School. Prior to this, he taught high school science for 15 years including such classes as chemistry, honors chemistry, biology, marine science, human anatomy & physiology and forensic science. He is an avid sci fi fan, loves to cook and relishes talking about insects and other members of the creepy-crawly world. Talking about current advances in physiology and medicine is the surest way to get his attention and distract him from whatever else he should be doing.