Applied AI in Python
Grade: Rising 6th - 9th grades
Date: Aug. 11 to Aug. 14, 2025
Meets: Monday through Thursday, 9:15 AM to 12:15 PM
Cost: $470 early bird pricing; $495 after March 31
Instructor: Tony Pound
Course Description
This innovative summer camp will introduce you to machine learning algorithms in the Python programming language. In this camp we'll build systems that learn from data and make predictions based on it. You’ll write your own machine learning system, a collaborative filter and recommendation engine (like Netflix!) from scratch. You’ll also learn how to use linear regression to make predictions and understand the basic principles behind neural networks. You’ll work with existing machine learning models to recognize and categorize images, like dogs vs cats. It is helpful (but not essential) to have some previous experience in Python or another programming language such as Javascript, Java or C.
Instructor Bio
Tony has been teaching computer science at The Branson School since August 2016. He currently teaches classes in web design, Java, Arduino, Python and iOS mobile application development. He holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree in Psychology and Computing from the University of Plymouth and a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Bath. Tony previously worked for a leading cellphone company in England as a software developer and team leader from 1998 to 2005 prior to becoming a computer science teacher. He was chair of computer science at Priory Community School in North Somerset, England from 2006 to 2015. Tony lives in San Francisco with his wife and new son and enjoys cycling, golf and snowboarding.