
 Grade: Rising 6th-9th grades

Date: July 18 - July 22

Time: 9:00AM - 12:00PM, M - Th

Cost: $300 early-bird pricing; $325 after March 31

Instructors: Ted Eckersdorff

Course Description: The Branson fencing camp is for boys and girls with little or no fencing experience between the ages of 8 and 15 years old. It is an excellent introduction to modern day Olympic fencing with a solid foundation of footwork, including lunges, the fleche, advancing, armwork and all parries, fencing strategy, and bouting with other students in the class. Fun fencing games are also included. There is a fitness aspect to the class as well.

Instructor Bio: Ted Eckersdorff has been teaching fencing at The Branson School for the past 26 years. Ted was a member of the U.S. Modern Pentathlon [equestrian, epee fencing, pistol shooting, swimming and running] National team for 12 years. He competed in the World Championships, the Military World Championships- silver medal, and was on the U.S. team that won the National Fencing Championships. He enjoys introducing fencing to anyone who wants to become a fencer.